Everyone has a fight with fear on a daily basis. Fear tells you to conform to what society tells you to be. Fear is your enemy, and the one emotion that will cripple your dreams. To fight fear you must be equipped with many weapons. I want to share some of the weapons that work for me. I hope this list will help you or at least give you a good start to a fair fight against fear.

  1. Seek positive media; videos that motivate and inspire. Avoid negative media at all cost.
  2. Align yourself with people who lift you up, love others and who have the same desire for happiness.
  3. Find your inner energy and find out what fuels it.  What causes your high energy? Get more!
  4. Lose the need for the short term “high; alcohol, drugs, food, shopping that cause short term happiness.
  5. Use the hidden gifts you were born with, realize them and use them to help others.
  6. Be faithful to what and who you believe in for that is the sharpest weapon against fear. Amen!
  7. Take 10 minutes a day to give gratitude for everything you have in your life.

When you break away from the life society wants for you and claim the life you always wanted you will beat fear. I learned “fear’ is the most crippling feeling a human can have. The fear comes to us from so many outside forces. Fear is real and many can never crush it.  I’m learning each day how to master my challenge with fear.  Moving away from my comfort zone was the first step to fighting fear.  Fear of job loss, fear of sickness, fear of human loss, fear of losing material things, fear of pain, fear of weight gain, fear of not fitting in, these are the major fears. The list is endless. Everyone fights a kind of fear, you can’t just let go of fear, you have to fight it.  Try some items in my list, they have helped me and continue to help me every day.

Good Luck in your “Fight with Fear”