Destination Experience - Using ALL 5 SENSES

"Make It Happen"

 Our philosophy at Travel Entourage is to encourage your employees to take a “DESTINATION” break, but not just your average 15 minute coffee break.

Many employees today take what we call a “SWEET BREAK”. More coffee and sweets is going to make you non-productive when you return from your break. Consumption of more caffeine and sugar intake not only gives a person a short-term energy effect but can make a person groggy and foggy. This continuous cycle of poor breaks adds up to poor health.  We encourage walking to music with a bottle of water. Yoga, the Company Gym and anything that can shut down your mind but is healthy for your body.

Your brain needs a break from the daily tasks. We all skip breaks and push ourselves too often thinking we are helping our companies and our productivity. Case studies have proven, humans need to rest and relax the brain and body to come back stronger.

Our signature “7 Minute Beach Vacation” does just that.  It is an experience your employees will never forget. Jersey, will motivate and encourage your employees to make future breaks healthy and productive.

SIGN UP TODAY AND GET 1/2 OFF YOUR FIRST TEAM PRESENTATION. YOU CAN ALSO BOOK SPACE FOR OUR OTHER “DESTINATION BREAKS” AND TEAM BUILDING ACTIVITIES THROUGH OUT THE YEAR. WE GUARANTEE YOU WILL NOT FIND THIS KIND OF VALUE ANYWHERE IN THE INDUSTRY. IT’S UNIQUE, FUN AND MOTIVATIONAL. Booked on a per person basis up to 50 participants at a time. Our cost is on a per person basis. We highly recommend small groups/teams of up to 20. It is most effective with smaller size groups. Watch our video below to get a sample of the experience.

“Jersey” traveling the world to give you hidden secrets from East to West.  You don’t just get a speaker you get a Travel Entourage!


Business Consulting with a Twist of Vacation


  • Take your teams on a world tour right from your office – Team Building Exercises with the use of  “OUR WORLD”
  • Experience the “7 Minute Beach Vacation” using all five senses – Work Breaks Matter!
  • Relationship Selling starts in the Workplace – Diversity internally and externally is the “key” to Relationship Selling
  • Coach vs Manager – “Just because your card says “Manager”… can you coach?
  • Custom Marketing Programs and Trainings for Travel Agencies and Organizations
  • Presenting at Travel Shows and Consumer Shows -Travel Agent Advocate

Entertainment Key Note and Celebrity Look-A-Like

Arm your Conference with FBI Agent and Beauty Queen

  • As Seen on Regis and Kelly-National Celebrity Look-A-Like
  • Former Radio Talk Show Host & Producer
  • Comedian and Singer
  • 30 Years Experience Building, Growing and Managing Companies
  • Speaker up to 4K Audience

Other Services: No Fees  for all Non-Profit Events

Host Event * Emcee * Master of Ceremonies * Celebrity Host * Entertainment Presenter *  Motivational Opener * Ice Breaker